We represent the region and are introducing you to it with authenticity and modern accents. This starts with its name and shows in our choice of materials and products, within the employees as well the loving care of the details.
Who are Peter and Paul?

The B&B hotel stands in relation to Willisau and therefore choose its name after the patron saints of the church St. Peter and Paul in Willisau. The saint apostils Petrus and Paulus are standing for opposing point of views and as well our B&B unites some contrasts in a harmonious concept. The modern appearance of a new building represents the spirit of the time, the clear structure and efficiency. But as soon as you reach the second floor, you enter into the heart of the hotel. Here warm tones of brown lovely cared for wood welcomes the guests. the homey atmosphere makes you forget any stress and creates a loving cosiness. The panorama of the wild-romantic Napf-region has been integrated within the bright bedroom decoration.
Team / Initiantes

The employees have grown up in the region or live here already since a very long time. The housekeeping and maintenance work are done in a large scale by ourselves, therefore it is very important to us that everybody helps from the housekeeper to the boss. The employees present themselves under the heading "Team".
The B&B Willisau AG has been founded by three business people from the region in December 2014: Alois Grüter, IGD Grüter AG from Dagmersellen, Stefan Bucheli, Brandschutz Ettiswil AG from Willisau and Marc Nyfeler, AL-KU Fenstertechnik AG from Zofingen. As site manager they could engage Eveline Bossert Meier from Menzberg. The tourism specialist with many years of experience within the hotel industry, within Switzerland as well as abroad engages herself aswell for the region and is project leader of the association " «Menzberg mit Weitsicht». All four initiates believe in the potential of this unique region and invest with a log of joy, passion and energy within this project - only this way new things can be created and become successful.
Materials from Swiss Artisans und suppliers

The characteristic matured timber at the reception area and lobby comes from a farm at Dagmersellen. The furniture in the bedrooms are from the 2014 collection of decorative woodwork from the company KronoSWISS from Menznau and has been constructed from local carpenters. The cosy mattresses have been chosen from Bico, the linen from "Leinenweberei Bern".
To clean and care for the materials with a sustainable method, the B&B-team works closely with the housekeeping-coach Katharina Zaugg (www.putzschule.ch) and uses a 100% consequent environmentally sustainable cleaning concept with the product line Sonett. The team enjoys working with good smelling and eudermic products. These products leave an atmosphere of well-being within the rooms.